Our backyard has quickly become "splashtown". However, lately Chief's pool has been getting more action from a certain little boy. A couple of days ago Baker was in the backyard "helping" Eric work on the lawn mower and decided Chief's pool looked like lots more fun. He was completely clothed - socks, shoes, clothes, real diaper. He had a ball!!!!
Below are some pics of a Baswell "splashtown" afternoon with Baker and Kate. They had so much fun. Takes me back to the days with Water Willy...remember...it was like this bug that you hooked up to the hose pipe and his hair was made of tubing that would squirt everywhere. Those were the days...sprinklers are awesome!!!!!
These 2 are best buds! Does it get any sweeter?
oh my goodness - those pics are so cute - I especially love that last one!!